Key Performance Indicators and PLO Attainment Measures

PLOs Assessment Level Method When Measured KPIs Measurement Tools
PLOs (1-12) Student Direct At end of every semester Each Student should attain at least 50% score in each individual PLO PLOs Assessment Sheet of each course
At Graduation Each Student should attain at least 50% score in each of 12 PLOs PLOs Assessment Sheet of all courses and SDP rubrics
Cohort Direct At Graduation At least 50% of all graduating students should attain 50% in all PLOs PLOs Assessment Sheet of all courses and SDP rubrics
Indirect At Graduation Number of students marking 3 and above on scale of 1-5 ≥ 50% Graduating Student Survey
Indirect Annual Number of students attaining 3 and above on scale of 1-5 ≥ 50% Internship Survey

CQI process for PLO attainment


Review Process and Corrective Action Implementation for PLO attainment

PLO2   Graduating Students Survey Form   Internship Survey Form