BE Electrical Engineering

Vision Statement:
“To impart highest quality engineering education with an aim to produce proficient, creative and ethical electrical engineers who can take the role of visionary leaders, entrepreneurs and researchers at national and global levels”.

Mission Statement:
“To educate students through highly qualified faculty to have strong theoretical and practical expertise, team-work, leadership qualities, ethical values and entrepreneurship skills. Establish and maintain state-of-the-art laboratories, latest curriculum and industrial linkages. Prepare graduates to pursue higher studies and undertake research at national and global levels.”

BE Electrical with Three Major steams

Permitted by Pakistan Engineering Council.

The growing range of electronics employed in every field and industry and the trend towards miniaturization, mobility, networking, robotics and remote control has created a tremendous demand for professional electronics engineers as designers, developers and engineering managers. The structure and curriculum of this program is comparable to any international engineering degree program.

Computer Systems Engineering:
This program is an integration of several fields of electrical engineering and computer science. The graduates of this program can concurrently design hardware, software, firmware, and manage all forms of computer systems used in the industry. This program provides the knowledge and skills to plan, develop, test and supervise hardware and software systems, which relate to communication and networks, signals processing, software engineering, intelligent controls and embedded systems.

Rapid growth in the telecommunication sector is evident from the deep penetration of internet and mobile phones in every nook and corner of the country. There has been a spurt in telecommunication investment from local and foreign sources. This has created a surge in demand for telecom experts that can plan, develop, erect, manage and maintain telecommunication networks and systems. With more and more companies entering this industry, high demand for telecommunication specialists now exits in the job market.

Why choose BE Electrical at College of Engineering?

  1. BE Electrical program with majors in Electronics,Computer Systems Engineering and Telecommunication is approved by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
  2. Courses taught by distinguished faculty that includes IEEE and PEC members.
  3. A project-based and rigorously monitored engineering program.
  4. BE Electrical program best suited to industry requirements.
  5. Good job opportunities upon graduation – students near graduation undergo career development seminar and workshop that provide excellent career preparation.

Program Compositions

The objectives of BE (Electrical Engineering) program are to prepare electrical engineers:

  1. CoE has come up with a comprehensive curriculum covering not only the areas of engineering and sciences but also incorporating courses in humanities, social sciences and management sciences. This is because CoE wants to make visionary engineers with high ethical and moral values working to serve the humanity.
  2. BE (Electrical) is a 137 credit hours program. Courses have been classified as non-engineering and engineering courses as shown in the table below.

Program Objectives

The objectives of BE (Electrical Engineering) program are to prepare electrical engineers:

  1. The graduates will apply their engineering knowledge to critically investigate and analyze the complex technological challenges faced by the nation and be able to design sustainable solutions for them based on modern tools and practices while meeting high ethical standards.
  2. The graduates will compete proactively in both local and international, industry and academia, by indulging in a lifelong process of research and development in their individual capacity as well as members of project teams to match the pace of the rapidly changing world of technology to transform Pakistan into a knowledge based economy.
  3. The graduates will use their knowledge and skills to effectively contribute towards engineering jobs’ creation by undertaking roles as entrepreneurs and project managers/ marketers to undertake new technological projects in the country for continued indigenization of technology for sustainable economy.

BE Electrical Engineering  (Major in Electronics / Telecommunications)

 Number of CoursesCredit Hours
Non –

BE Electrical Engineering  (Major in Computer Systems)

 Number of CoursesCredit Hours
Non –

Program Structure

Degree Structure:  BE Electrical (Major in Electronics)
Engineering Courses
Knowledge AreaCourseTheory Contact HoursPractical Contact HoursCredit HoursNumber of CoursesTotal Credit Hours
ComputingIntroduction to Computing13 2  
Introduction to Computer Programming23338
 Algorithms and Data Structures233  
FoundationWorkshop Technology0311031
 Engineering Drawing031  
 Linear Circuit Analysis334  
 Electrical Network Analysis334  
 Fundamentals of Electronics334  
 Digital Logic Fundamentals334  
 Signals and systems334  
 Electromagnetic Fields Theory303  
 Computer Architecture and Organization233  
 Probability Methods in Engineering303  
BreadthCommunication Systems334830
 Introduction to Embedded Systems334  
 Electrical Machines334  
 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications233  
 Power Electronics334  
 Electronic Circuit Design334  
 Linear Control Systems334  
 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks233  
InterdisciplinaryEngineering Mechanics30326
 Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences303  
Depth(Elective I)233517
 (Elective II)334  
 (Elective III)233  
 (Elective IV)303  
 (Elective V)334  
ProjectSenior Design Project I09326
 Senior Design Project II093  
  Total (Engineering)3098 
Degree Structure: BE Electrical (Major in Computer Systems)
Engineering Courses
Knowledge AreaCourseTheory Contact HoursPractical Contact HoursCredit HoursNumber of CoursesTotal Credit Hours
ComputingIntroduction to Computing132411
 Introduction to Computer Programming233
 Algorithms and Data Structures233
 Object Oriented Programming233
FoundationWorkshop Technology0311032
 Engineering Drawing031  
 Linear Circuit Analysis334  
 Signals and Systems334  
 Electrical Network Analysis334  
 Fundamentals of Electronics334  
 Electronic Circuit Design334  
 Digital Logic Fundamentals334  
 Electromagnetic Field Theory303  
 Probability Methods in Engineering303  
BreadthComputer Architecture and Organization233726
 Operating System334  
 Communication Systems334  
 Introduction to Embedded Systems334  
 Database Management Systems334  
 Software Engineering303  
 Computer Communication Network334  
InterdisciplinaryEngineering Mechanics30326
 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks213  
Depth(Elective I)334517
 (Elective II)303  
 (Elective III)334  
 (Elective IV)233  
 (Elective V)303  
ProjectSenior Design Project I09326
 Senior Design Project II093  
  Total (Engineering)2998
Degree Structure: BE Electrical (Major in Telecommunications)
Engineering Courses
Knowledge AreaCourseTheory Contact HoursPractical Contact HoursCredit HoursNumber of CoursesTotal Credit Hours
ComputingIntroduction to Computing132  
Introduction to Computer Programming23338
 Algorithms and Data Structures233  
FoundationWorkshop Technology0311031
 Engineering Drawing031  
 Linear Circuit Analysis334  
 Electrical Network Analysis334  
 Fundamentals of Electronics334  
 Digital Logic Fundamentals334  
 Signals and systems334  
 Electromagnetic Fields Theory303  
 Computer Architecture and Organization233  
 Probability Methods in Engineering303  
BreadthCommunication Systems334830
 Introduction to Embedded Systems334  
 Electrical Machines334  
 Electronic Circuit Design334  
 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications233  
 Computer Comm. Networks334  
 Linear Control Systems334  
 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks233  
InterdisciplinaryEngineering Mechanics30326
 Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences303  
Depth(Elective I)303517
 (Elective II)334  
 (Elective III)334  
 (Elective IV)303  
 (Elective V)303  
ProjectSenior Design Project I09326
 Senior Design Project II093  
  Total (Engineering)3098
BE Electrical
Non-Engineering Courses
Knowledge AreaSubject AreaCourseTheory Contact HoursPractical Contact HoursCredit HoursNumber of CoursesTotal Credit Hours
HumanitiesEnglishEnglish I (Proficiency Development)20237

English II

(Public Speaking)

  English III ( Official Communication and Report Writing)303  
 CultureIslam and Pakistan Studies30313
 Social SciencesProfessional and Social Ethics20223
  Leadership and Motivation101  
Management Sciences Engineering Project Management30326
  Technology Entrepreneurship303  
Natural SciencesMathCalculus303515
  Linear Algebra303  
  Differential Equations and Transforms303  
  Complex Variables and Multivariable Calculus303  
  Numerical Methods303  
 PhysicsEngineering Physics33414
Subtotal (Non-Engineering) 373381438
Depth Courses (Electronics Major) Depth Courses (Telecomm Major) Depth Courses (Computer Systems Major)
Course TitleCR-H Course TitleCR-H Course TitleCR-H
Instrumentation and Measurement2+1 Wireless and Mobile Communication3+0 Linear Control Systems3+1
Industrial Control and Automation2+1 Digital Signal Processing3+1 Internet of Things3+0
Digital Signal Processing3+1 Transmission and Switching Systems3+1 Digital Signal Processing/ FPGA based System Design3+1
FPGA based System Design/Computer Communication Networks/ Robotics3+1 Digital Communication3+0 Cloud Computing2+1
Digital Image Processing3+0 Digital Image Processing3+0 Digital Image Processing3+0

Scheme of Studies for BE Electrical Engineering

Effective from FA-2023
Major in Electronics
 Semester 1 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
CS1201Introduction to Computing112ComputingNone
EE1401Linear Circuit Analysis314FoundationNone
MS1303Calculus303Natural SciencesNone
MS1401Engineering Physics314Natural SciencesNone
HS1303English I (Proficiency Development)202HumanitiesNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.12315  
 Semester 2 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
CS1301Introduction to Computer Programming213ComputingNone
ME2201Engineering Drawing012FoundationNone
MS1302Linear Algebra303Natural SciencesNone
EE2403Fundamentals of Electronics314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
ME1303Engineering Mechanics303InterdisciplinaryNone
ME1102Workshop Technology011FoundationNone
HS2304English II (Public Speaking)202HumanitiesEnglish I (Proficiency Development)
 Total Cr. Hrs.13417  


Semester 3

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MS1304Differential Equations and Transforms303Natural SciencesCalculus
EE2303Electrical Network Analysis314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
              CS2301Algorithms and Data Structures213ComputingIntroduction to Computer Programming
EE2404Electronic Circuit Design314FoundationFundamentals of Electronics
EE1407Digital Logic Fundamentals314FoundationNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.14418  
 Semester 4     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MS2305Complex Variables and Multivariable Calculus303Natural SciencesCalculus
EE2431Signals and Systems314FoundationDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE3403Linear ICs and Applications213BreadthElectronic Circuit Design
EE2425Electrical Machines314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
EE2308Computer Architecture and Organization303BreadthDigital Logic Fundamentals
 Total Cr. Hrs.14317  
 Semester 5     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE3411Linear Control Systems314BreadthDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE3132Introduction to Embedded Systems314BreadthComputer Architecture and Organization
EE2319Electromagnetic Field Theory303FoundationComplex Variables and Multivariable Calculus
EE3327Power Electronics314BreadthElectrical Machines, Electronic Circuit Design
ME3306Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences303InterdisciplinaryNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.15318  
 Semester 6     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE3410Communication Systems314BreadthSignals and Systems
EExxxxElective-1213DepthElective Dependent (See Below)
MG3301Project Management303Management SciencesNone
MS3306Probability Methods in Engineering303FoundationCalculus
EExxxxElective-2314DepthElective Dependent (See Below)
HS1101Leadership and Motivation101HumanitiesNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.15318  
 Semester 7     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
HS4206Professional and Social Ethics202HumanitiesNone
MS4307Numerical Methods303Natural SciencesDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE4321Elective-3213DepthElective Dependent (See Below)
EE4325Elective-4303DepthElective Dependent (See Below)
CS3304Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks213BreadthIntroduction to Computer Programming and Linear Algebra
DP4301SDP-1033Senior Design ProjectNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.12517  
 Semester 8     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MG4302Technology Entrepreneurship303Management SciencesNone
HS3305English III (Official Communication and Report Writing)303HumanitiesEnglish II (Public Speaking)
HS4306Pakistan and Islamic Studies303HumanitiesNone
EExxxxElective-5314DepthElective Dependent (See Below)
DP4302SDP-2033Senior Design ProjectSDP-1
 Total Cr. Hrs.12416  
 List of Elective Courses     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE3306(Elective-1) Instrumentation and Measurement213DepthLinear ICs and Applications
EE3416(Elective-2) Digital Signal Processing314DepthSignals and Systems
EE4321(Elective-3) Industrial Control and Automation213DepthLinear Control Systems
EE4324(Elective-4) Embedded System Design303DepthIntroduction to Embedded Systems
EE4325(Elective-4) Digital Image Processing303DepthDigital Signal Processing
EE4423(Elective-5) FPGA-Based System Design314DepthDigital Logic Fundamentals
EE4414(Elective-5) Computer Communication Networks314DepthCommunication Systems
Effective from FA-2023
Major in Computer Systems
 Semester 1 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
CS1201Introduction to Computing112ComputingNone
EE1401Linear Circuit Analysis314FoundationNone
MS1303Calculus303Natural SciencesNone
MS1401Engineering Physics314Natural SciencesNone
HS1303English I (Proficiency Development)202HumanitiesNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.12315  
 Semester 2 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
CS1301Introduction to Computer Programming213ComputingNone
ME2201Engineering Drawing012FoundationNone
MS1302Linear Algebra303Natural SciencesNone
EE2403Fundamentals of Electronics314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
ME1303Engineering Mechanics303InterdisciplinaryNone
ME1102Workshop Technology011FoundationNone
HS2304English II (Public Speaking)202HumanitiesEnglish I (Proficiency Development)
 Total Cr. Hrs.13417  
 Semester 3 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MS1304Differential Equations and Transforms303Natural SciencesCalculus
EE2303Electrical Network Analysis314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
CS2301Algorithms and Data Structures213ComputingIntroduction to Computer Programming
EE2404Electronic Circuit Design314FoundationFundamentals of Electronics
EE1407Digital Logic Fundamentals314FoundationNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.14418  
 Semester 4     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MS2305Complex Variables and Multivariable Calculus303Natural SciencesCalculus
EE2431Signals and Systems314FoundationDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE3403Database Management System314BreathAlgorithm Analysis and Data Structure
EE2425Leadership and Motivation101HumanitiesNone
EE2308Computer Architecture and Organization213BreadthDigital Logic Fundamentals
SE201Object Oriented Concepts & Programming213ComputingIntroduction to Programming
 Total Cr. Hrs.14318  
 Semester 5     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MS3306Probability Methods in Engineering303FoundationCalculus
EE3132Introduction to Embedded Systems314BreadthComputer Architecture and Organization
EE2319Electromagnetic Field Theory303FoundationComplex Variables and Multivariable Calculus
CS3411Software Engineering303BreadthNone
EE3411(Elective-1) Linear Control Systems314BreadthDifferential Equations and Transforms
 Total Cr. Hrs.15217  
 Semester 6     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE3410Communication Systems314BreadthSignals and Systems
CS3301Operating Systems314BreadthNone
EE3418(Elective-2)Internet of things303DepthNone
MG3301Engineering Project Management303Management SciencesNone
EE4414Computer Communication & Networks314DepthCommunication Systems
 Total Cr. Hrs.15318  
 Semester 7     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
HS4206Professional and Social Ethics202HumanitiesNone
EE3416/EE4423(Elective-3) Digital Signal Processing/FPGA Based Digital System Design314Depth / DepthSignals and Systems / Digital Logic Fundamentals
CS2302(Elective 4), Cloud Computing213DepthCCNA
MS4307Numerical Methods303Natural SciencesDifferential Equations and Transforms
CS3304Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks213BreadthIntroduction to Computer Programming and Linear Algebra
DP4301SDP-1033Senior Design ProjectNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.12618  
 Semester 8     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE4325(Elective 5), Digital Image Processing303DepthDigital Signal Processing
HS3305English III (Official Communication and Report Writing)303HumanitiesEnglish II (Public Speaking)
HS4306Pakistan and Islamic Studies303HumanitiesNone
MG4302Technology Entrepreneurship303Management SciencesNone
DP4302SDP-2033Senior Design ProjectSDP-1
 Total Cr. Hrs.12315  
 List of Elective Courses     
 Computer System     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE3411(Elective-1) Linear Control Systems314BreadthDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE3418(Elective-2)Internet of things303DepthNone
EE3416/EE4423(Elective-3) Digital Signal Processing/FPGA Based Digital System Design314Depth / DepthSignals and Systems / Digital Logic Fundamentals
CS2302(Elective 4), Cloud Computing213DepthCCNA
EE4325(Elective 5), Digital Image Processing303DepthDigital Signal Processing
Effective from FA-2023
Major in Telecommunication
 Semester 1  
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
CS1201Introduction to Computing112ComputingNone
EE1401Linear Circuit Analysis314FoundationNone
MS1303Calculus303Natural SciencesNone
MS1401Engineering Physics314Natural SciencesNone
HS1303English I (Proficiency Development)202HumanitiesNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.12315  
 Semester 2 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
CS1301Introduction to Computer Programming213ComputingNone
ME2201Engineering Drawing012FoundationNone
MS1302Linear Algebra303Natural SciencesNone
EE2403Fundamentals of Electronics314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
ME1303Engineering Mechanics303InterdisciplinaryNone
ME1102Workshop Technology011FoundationNone
HS2304English II (Public Speaking)202HumanitiesEnglish I (Proficiency Development)
 Total Cr. Hrs.13417  
 Semester 3 
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MS1304Differential Equations and Transforms303Natural SciencesCalculus
EE2303Electrical Network Analysis314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
CS2301Algorithms and Data Structures213ComputingIntroduction to Computer Programming
EE2404Electronic Circuit Design314FoundationFundamentals of Electronics
EE1407Digital Logic Fundamentals314FoundationNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.14418  
 Semester 4     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MS2305Complex Variables and Multivariable Calculus303Natural SciencesCalculus
EE2431Signals and Systems314FoundationDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE3403Linear ICs and Applications213BreadthElectronic Circuit Design
EE2425Electrical Machines314FoundationLinear Circuit Analysis
EE2308Computer Architecture and Organization303BreadthDigital Logic Fundamentals
HS1101Leadership and Motivation101HumanitiesNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.15318  
 Semester 5     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE3411Linear Control Systems314BreadthDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE3132Introduction to Embedded Systems314BreadthComputer Architecture and Organization
EE2319Electromagnetic Field Theory303FoundationComplex Variables and Multivariable Calculus
EE3327Computer Communication Networks314BreadthCommunication Systems
ME3306Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences303InterdisciplinaryNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.15318  
 Semester 6      
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE3410Communication Systems314BreadthSignals and Systems
EE4313(Elective-1) Wireless and Mobile Communication303Depth 
MG3301Project Management303Management SciencesNone
MS3306Probability Methods in Engineering303FoundationCalculus
EE3416(Elective-2) Digital Signal Processing314DepthSignals and Systems
 Total Cr. Hrs.15217  
 Semester 7     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
HS4206Professional and Social Ethics202HumanitiesNone
MS4307Numerical Methods303Natural SciencesDifferential Equations and Transforms
EE4415(Elective-3)  Transmission and Switching Systems314DepthComputer Communication Networks
EE4312(Elective-4)Digital Communication303DepthCommunication Systems
CS3304Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks213BreadthIntroduction to Computer Programming and Linear Algebra
DP4301SDP-1033Senior Design ProjectNone
 Total Cr. Hrs.13518  
 Semester 8     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
MG4302Technology Entrepreneurship303Management SciencesNone
HS3305English III (Official Communication and Report Writing)303HumanitiesEnglish II (Public Speaking)
HS4306Pakistan and Islamic Studies303HumanitiesNone
EE4427(Elective-5)Digital Image Processing303DepthDigital Signal Processing
DP4302SDP-2033Senior Design ProjectSDP-1
 Total Cr. Hrs.12415  
 List of Elective Courses     
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit HoursKnowledge AreaPre-requisite Courses  (if any)
EE4313(Elective-1) Wireless and Mobile Communication303DepthCommunication Systems
EE3416(Elective-2) Digital Signal Processing314DepthSignals and Systems
EE4415(Elective-3)  Transmission and Switching Systems314DepthComputer Communication Networks
EE4312(Elective-4)Digital Communication303DepthCommunication Systems
EE4427(Elective-5)Digital Image Processing303DepthDigital Signal Processing
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