INTELLECT-2017 “International Conference”
Students of KIET – College of Engineering have returned from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra after completion of their summer internship. Free airlift was provided by Pakistan Air Force to internees while proceeding to Kamra and returning to Karachi. Summer and Winter Internships at PAC Kamra are a regular feature for 60 students each time, which…
Talk on “Localized Feature Extraction for Biomedical and Biometric Applications” Dr. Imran Naseem invited to give a talk at CISIR-UTP Malaysia, March 2017: Dr. Imran Naseem was invited to give a talk at Center for Intelligent Signal and Imaging Research (CISIR), at University of Technology Petronas (UTP) Malaysia on 14th March, 2017. Title of…
SPEC-18-Student Project Exhibition & Competition
INTELLECT-2019 “2nd International Conference”.
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