Student Engineering Exhibition (SEE-2017)
Get ready to showcase your talent and creativity at our Student Project Exhibition and Competition! Set to unfold on SPEC – 2024 (Student Project Exhibition and competition) at KIET main Campus. This event is a platform for budding innovators to exhibit their exceptional projects and compete for recognition. Don’t miss out on this exciting blend…
A half-day workshop on “Internet of Things” under CPD program for faculty was held on 16-March-2017 at CoE. Modern IoT Technologies and Solutions were discussed in the workshop followed by a practical demonstration of an IoT system. “KIET IoT Club” has planned various workshops for students on IoT for the year 2017. Don’t forget to…
03 Days Workshop on Programeable Logic Controllers at KIET, College of Engineering Schedule is as follows. Venue: R&D Lab (Room # 40), College of Engineering
CoE ALUMNI REUNION ’17 for BATCHES 2002-2013
CoE Students, once again we are welcoming you to showcase your talent and become a National face. Lets move ahead and participate actively in SPEC-SP-17 which will be happening on this end of April between 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. There will be Senior design project exhibition along with Semester projects exhibition and evaluation. Prize…
Students of KIET – College of Engineering have returned from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra after completion of their summer internship. Free airlift was provided by Pakistan Air Force to internees while proceeding to Kamra and returning to Karachi. Summer and Winter Internships at PAC Kamra are a regular feature for 60 students each time, which…
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