Undergraduate Projects



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014


 Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Ahtesham (BE-1-14-6238) Ahsan Mehboob (BE-1-14-7093)


Project Advisor:

HoD Avionics & Professor: Dr. Syed Arsalan Jawaid



The Senior Design Project report for the Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology Electrical and Mechatronics Engineering Department. The Core objective of this project is to develop a Low Noise Low powered and Low-Cost Wireless Portable Device. The core motive was to use brain waves for medical monitoring or control applications. The project is to make low noise that reads EEG data with a higher sampling frequency and more accuracy. The objective is to develop a device that identifies a change when an individual think left or right. The projects involve the signal filtering amplifying and digitization. The first part is to take the difference of signal from brain and send that signal to the circuit. In the EEG system the main issue is the noise. The brain wave has a low amplitude with the noise. The challenging task is to remove all the noise presented in the main signal. The last part of the project is software and hardware application implementation. The system is portable and wearable, so it can be best suitable for medical applications.


Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muddassir Raza (BE-1-14-6949) Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui (BE-1-14-7261)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Faizan Javaid



A new approach for detecting alive human beings in natural disasters using a specific set or bunch of sensors.

World are getting affected due to sudden natural calamities like earthquakes, storms and human induced or man-made disasters.

We observe that people die due to some situations (not trace by rescuer dog or rescuer teams) on very high scale just because they didn’t get help at that time when they required or need to be rescued.

So, the proposed robotic system uses a specific set or bunch of sensors that includes PIR (Passive Infrared sensor) and ultrasonic sensor (sonar), these sensors give the information about the distance and presence of alive human body.


Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Mahaa Irshad (BE-1-14-6957) Tahaa Irshad (BE-1-14-7055) Zain Warsi (BE-1-17-7165)


Project Advisor:

HoD Avionics & Professor: Dr. Syed Arsalan Jawaid



This report describes the design and analysis of a readout integrated circuit design (ROI) for a tri-axial single proof mass complementary metal oxide semi-conductor (CMOS) Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) capacitive accelerometer for structural health monitoring. It also discusses the literature review of fabrication processes and the design aspects of the single proof mass MEMS accelerometer that is to be interfaced with the readout interface design implemented using 150 nm one-poly-silicon and six/metal dielectric CMOS MEMS process. The multilayer stacking features of the CMOS-MEMS process were exploited to integrate the in-plane and out-of-plane capacitive sensing electrodes. Thus, the three-axis sensing electrodes can be integrated on a single proof mass to reduce the size or footprint of the Accelerometer. Moreover, the fully differential sensing electrodes among all three axes are implemented to increase the sensitivities and decrease the noise. The sensor has an overall dimension of 250um x 250um approximately with a structural thickness of approximately 5gm. The Readout interface designed is a differential capacitive readout on SPICE simulations. Different techniques were exploited for a low-noise, high-gain and high bandwidth readout interface. The operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) technique was implemented for the pre-amplifier having the following design specifications. A low-noise, low-power amplifier was designed with a 60dB gain and a power consumption of 90µw.


Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Saad Sultan (BE-1-14-6968) Asma Mukhtiar (BE-1-14-6978)

Hamza Hamid Taimuri (BE-1-14-7097) Sheikh Muhammad Usama (BE-1-14-7156)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Rehan Rasheed Khan



Unmanned aerial vehicle is an aircraft without a pilot. Such vehicles are controlled remotely by an operator on ground, uses aerodynamic forces to provide lift to vehicle and can fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans in conjunction with onboard Sensors and GPS. Drone is like a flying Robot. UAVs are specially used for Intelligence, Surveillance, border security. The controllability of these vehicles is very complex. UAV is very useful to certain applications, such as agriculture, vigilance systems, environment mapping, meteorology and search and rescue operations. It is also use in defense forces specially in military and civil applications.

This project faces challenges like load reduction, controllability, and mechanical design. Our main focus was to reduce weight of batteries, controller, motors wings in order to make the plane balanced to lift it in air. The report describes objectives, motivations, and different alternatives. It briefs the mechanical, electronic design and software working. This UAV is capable of waypoint navigation, trajectory tracking, visual navigation, and automatic takeoff and landing. Our UAV performs autonomous task by using way points on mission planner and autonomous navigation using GPS module.

For these above objectives we use Ardupilot Mega APM 2.8 as our flight controller autopilot, which is an open source, efficient performance and low-cost autopilot. We use Mission Planner for the Ground Control Station (GCS).   The electronic and control system of UAV is developed by using built-in Gyros and accelerometer in the controller, RC transmitter and receiver were used to control different operations and activities.

In order to safely test the flight controller autopilot without the risk of damaging of any component it was first installed and tested manually. In this test, the autopilot system worked correctly. Next, the system was installed on the UAV. Several flight tests were conducted and it was verified that the autopilot was working properly even with the default parameter settings.

This project covers control theory, electronics, system design, testing and measurements. Through this project we came to know how to implement our knowledge and we have learnt new skills.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Syed Zeeshan Ali (BE-1-14-6970) Ghazi Hussain (BE-1-14-7131) M.Talal Aziz (BE-1-17-7217)


Project Advisor:

HoD Avionics & Professor: Dr. Syed Arsalan Jawaid



The aim of this project is to design, implement and test a demonstration system that can save the energy which is wasted daily in our home and convert it into the electricity and save it for the future use. The project based on the two major parts, electrical and the mechanical. In electrical, we save the waste light of light bulbs through the solar panel and then store it in the battery for further use. In mechanical, we save the mechanical energy which we wasted to open or close the door of our home and convert it in the form of electricity through the energy harvesting mechanism installed on the door. The eventual aim of this project is to harvest energy form the energy which we are wasting in our home. The project has fulfilled its primary objectives and a complete generic system has been created that is user friendly.

The task executes a portion of the most recent advancements accessible for growing such an application while practicing standard design strategies.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Haris Khan (BE-1-14-6971) Maazz Uddin Hassan (BE-1-14-7233)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Rehan Rasheed Khan



Energy crisis are increasing day by day. Our project is a unique way to generate electrical power. Our final year project is to generate electrical power through a mechanical ramp. The purpose to make our project is to design such a ramp that can generate power through the kinetic energy generated by the vehicles. We have divided our project into two parts the first one is mechanical design and the second one is the electronics part. Our ramp converts the


kinetic energy generated by the tires of vehicles into useful electrical energy. Dc current is generated through our ramp which is then converted into 220 volts by our 12-to-220-volt inverter, which will run our Ac appliance.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014


Project Title: ORNITHOPTER


Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Saad Shahid Siddique (BE-1-14-6984) Minhaj Siddiqui (BE-1-14-7187)


Project Advisor:

Dean & Professor: Dr. Muzzaffar Mahmood



Since dawn of times humans have aspired to fly like birds. However, ornithopter that can hover by flapping wings does not exist despite many attempts to build one. This motivated us to address feasibility of biologically inspired hovering robot, at this stage we worked on pigeon size robot that could be controlled through a remote control. To this. end, aerodynamics of flapping wing flight was analyzed by means of an analytical model and validated through physical experiments. Ornithopter prototypes were designed, constructed and evaluated under controlled environment. A small-scale ornithopter design, weighing 200grams with a 12in wing span, was designed with an inch crank-rocker drive mechanism having wings with integrated flaps for reduced upstroke induced drag; elasticity of a rubber band is the major part which gives the power to flap the wings. Although this model gives not enough drag force to lift the ornithopter but it glides very smoothly so we get the idea for the wing design. Results from these experiments agreed with our theoretical prediction of wing design. Interestingly, our power requirement study shows that ornithopters can be more advantageous compared to fixed wing and rotary blade aircraft. With high maneuverability, a large range of possible speeds, and reduced power requirements. So, we can say that ornithopters may be a viable and attractive mode of transportation that deserves more dedicated research and practical realizations.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D): Muzammil Ahmed (BE-1-14-7015) Muhammad Taha (BE-1-14-7095) Razi Bajwa (BE-1-14-7128)



Project Advisor:

Assistant Professor: Dr. Adil Loya



Hybrid vehicles are extensively used worldwide for transportation and commercial purposes. On the other hand, the use of hybrid vehicles cannot be afforded by a common man which is a great problem in all over the world. The module made under the supervision of Dr. Adil Loya confirms that any car can be made hybrid and can be used as a self-generating power source. The Hybrid powered vehicle module allows us to drive the buggy at the speed of 30km/hr. on the batteries or motor and engine starts if there are any more throttles needed.

The batteries take no longer than 1 hour to charge fully by the help of engine. This makes the car more economic. A battery cut off circuit is also installed in the module to drive no further amount of electricity by the engine than the amount needed. A motor driver made by the help of relays and power MOSFETs makes it easy for a user to drive the car on motor.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2014




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muzamil Ahmed (BE-1-14-7033) Muhammad Ammad Farooq (BE-1-14-7187) Halar Hadi Qureshi (BE-1-14-7240)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Faizan Javaid



In this day and age, the progression in logical strategies and innovation development have enabled the increase to apply self-sufficiency from regular apply automation to application particular robots. The estimation of an hour of work is probably going to soar. As the data innovation part on the planet is detonating, there is no requirement for child labor and youths to function as waiters in lodgings and fast-food chains. Enthusiasm for innovative work ventures for social administrations and medicinal services has been developing in late decades. This examination work intends to construct a domain of restaurants where a robot satisfies the part of managing clients. The menu card is given utilizing LCD display. The request will be sent to the counter comprising of portable PC through Wi-Fi connect and the points of interest will be spared in the database of the counter. Once the request is prepared to be served the robot will be informed and it will convey refreshment from the counter to the required table. The robot utilizes the given path (line) on which it travels and the tables are assigned to it in program, the robot will direct itself to the client table. Robot will return to its initial position afterwards and again wait for the next request.





Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Juniad Majeed (BE-1-15-6946) Ashraf Hussain (BE-1-15-7038) Shahroz Iqbal (BE-1-15-7089)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Muhammad Tauseef Nasir



The Multilevel Auto car parking system is four multistory fully automation-based prototype project that park small toys car in a vacant space on priority based This is one of the most unique ways of parking lots of cars without the need for a lengthy driveway and huge space. Lifts and pallets are used to park the cars and later retrieve them. It helps in accommodating maximum cars in a limited space it optimizes parking space by ratio as compare to conventional parking place with fast and secure parking of vehicle as well as driver safety. This system controlled by Arduino micro controller with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) module system. Multilevel Auto car parking system work on the three NEMA-14 four-wire stepper motors their rotation controlled by micro-controller on the signal generation of RC522 RFID module. The process done in four steps REID card sweep then one stepper motor use to control parking platform rotation the second one is use for vertical motion of platform and the third motor drive the sliding mechanism of platform.

This prototype project is fast, modern and compact form of old conventional parking concept, which reduces space, effort and time of customer with safety. Novelty of this project is cost effective, fast, secure and durable. Furthermore, our future advancement is to interface with it IOT for booking purpose or to check vacant space through mobile application which is the requirement of current technology era. The whole exploded is parted into segments and clarified further.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D): Moizullah Fareed (BE-1-15-6972) Muhammad Ahad (BE-1-15-7123) Fasih Uddin Khan (BE-1-15-7231)

Muhammad Arsalan Latif (BE-1-15-7469)


Project Advisor:

Dean & Professor: Dr. Muzzaffar Mahmood



Abrasive Water jet machining (AWJM) is a non-conventional manufacturing process, where material is removed from the work piece by impact erosion of pressurized high velocity water stream mixed with high velocity grit abrasives on a work piece. There are so many process parameters which affect the quality of machined surface cut by AWJM. But, the traverse speed, hydraulic pressure, stand-off distance, abrasive flow rate and type of abrasive are important. However, the important performance measures in AWJM are Material Removal Rate (MRR), Surface Roughness (SR), Kerf width, Depth of cut. This paper reviews the research work carried out from the inception to the development of AWJM within past few years. It reports on the AWJM research relating to performance measures improvement, monitoring and process control, process variables optimization. A wide range of AWJM industrial applications for variety of materials are reported with variations. The paper also discusses the future trend of research work in the area of AWJM.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Israr (BE-1-15-7069) Zia Ur Rehman (BE-1-15-7073) Ossama Bin Shakeel (BE-1-15-7640)


Project Advisor:

Dean & Professor: Dr. Muzzaffar Mahmood



The aim of this design project is to improve electricity condition hampering ecological nature. We have designed an ocean powered generation system which would help the ecology by generating without emitting greenhouse gases. This system would serve as a display model for larger plant to be build up. The fundamental source of this project is the swell produce by the tidal waves of the ocean. These waves cause the floating buoy to perform up and down motion, as the buoy is connected to the floating arm so it will move on the same trajectory. The arm is then connected to a shaft which will rotate. The other end of this shaft is connected to a pulley which is parallel aligned to the generator through a belt. The generator will produce a three-phase output power on rotation. The potential of ocean wave has an immense possibility for developing a new resource of electricity production. Other resources are causing a heavy cost, furthermore most of them are limited or incompatible to the supply we need to light up this planet. As the working expense of ocean wave control plant is low and uses an inexhaustible wellspring of energy, it is conceivable to create control at low cost.




Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Zubair Saeed Khan (BE-1-15-7250) Sami-u-llah Rasheed (BE-1-15-7558)

Abdullah Shaikh (BE-1-15-7693)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Muhammad Duraid



Electronic-Waiter system will improve the current process of ordering and serving menu in the classical café restaurant and hotels. Electronic waiter system is mainly focused on the advancement of waiter service for ordering and serving process. It will give more methodical and less time grabbing process for consumers and also for the waiters. Electronic-Waiter system will resolve the problem of current problems such as antagonistic service, rude behavior of waiter and menu that not amend. Using this type technology, restaurant can efficiently update the menu, deals by adding them. Meanwhile consumer can take their time to make order and directly select the menu on the system that installed on body of robot. The problems which we can come across in this project are all related to design body of Waiter (Robot) and plus, we are talking about restaurants so we need to give a high speed to robot so as it can serve the customer very fast. One problem we will face is obstacles in the path of Waiter (Robot). Also, to design a Menu Bar software which is based on ANDROID TABLET. As we want to solve this all problems, we need to have a knowledge about robotics, communications and power electronics. Starting from high speed so it can be tackled by improved by Design which can be a light weight material plus a good quality sensors and motors to accelerate the robot at their required path. Now the solution of designing robot structure so we need simulate the design on designing software and see with respect to materials and structure of robot.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Mujeeb Ur Rehman (BE-1-15-7458)

Syed Muhammad Khuzaima (BE-1-15-7547) Aizaz Ali Qureshi (BE-1-15-7699)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Sofia Yousuf




Self-Balancing Robots have been a topic of greater importance and greater curiosity among many researchers, students, and hobbyists. The amazing aspect of this robot is that it is naturally unstable robot. Unlike other robots, which are in state of equilibrium, this robot is unstable. This paper work describes the design, construction, implementation, and control of self-balancing robot. A key element in order to maintain the upright position of the robot is the measurement of the tilt angle. In order to measure tilt angle, a combination of gyroscope and accelerometer is used. Fusion of data from these two sensors is necessary to get very precise results. Kalman filter and complimentary filters were proposed for this purpose. This report covers all those works, done on complimentary filter and Kalman filter. However, it must be remembered that Self-balancing robot is balanced without using any of the filter. It is able to reject disturbances in its upright position.

This robot is also made able to move forward and backward and to take turn. Bluetooth module is used in order to control robot with devices such as mobile phone, laptop, etc. However, results with this advancement are not much satisfactory. Lastly, the controller of this robot is explored. Initially, it was decided to implement LQR but due to lack of knowledge, we weren’t able to implement LQR and PID was implemented. Tuning of PID was done to balance, to overcome oscillations and to reject disturbances.

Testing of other sensors, such as ultrasonic sensors, was done and results were noted. Ultrasonic Sensors are integrated in order to avoid obstacles. Our robot is now able to balance itself, even after carrying some load over it.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Talha Ejaz (BE-1-15-7461) Farhan Ahmed (BE-1-15-7591) Ammad Habib (BE-1-15-7681)


Project Advisor:

Dean & Professor: Dr. Muzzaffar Mahmood



This project contributes to minimize some of the challenges that people with (ADHD) Attention Discrepancy Hyperactivity Disorder have, as their facility to pay consideration is affected. We have designed an experimental setup through which attention values from the mind can be monitored and these values can be used for providing feedback. A single channel EEG device is used to design two experimental setups, the Neurofeedback (NF) and the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). Both these systems are controlled through attention values. Attention value increases as the person focuses on a single thought and it decreases when distracted.


In neurofeedback, when attention is above threshold, the gauge on screen turns green and when it falls below, turns red. When a person concentrates, the attention level increases and the car starts to move forward, and when the attention level falls down the car will stop, this is the Brain-Computer Interface. To check if the attention has improved, we have developed Go/no-go task, which will be performed before and after training sessions. It gives you percent of correct responses and your average response time.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Owais Akram (BE-1-15-7464) Muzammil Ali (BE-1-15-7506)


Project Advisor:

Dean & Professor: Dr. Muzzaffar Mahmood



The project aims to provide mobility to the physically challenged people. This report describes the design and analysis of our project, Smart Convertible Wheelchair using Arduino. This project is for handicapped people and for those patients who are unable to move without human assistance. The project is an electronically controlled multi-purpose wheelchair which is capable of providing an orthostatic position to its user and can be converted into the stretcher. This smart wheelchair is the battery powered rechargeable wheelchair, all the positions and motion of wheelchair both forward, backward and sideways can be controlled through a keypad which provides complete mobility to its user. The proposed project is capable to run both indoor and outdoor environment. The report also discusses the need of this type of wheelchair and its pros and cons over the traditional wheelchair and some other wheelchairs that are available in the market.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Farhan Uz Zaman Siddiqui (BE-1-15-7569) Fahad Khan (BE-1-15-7587)

Hussain Zafar Mandviwala (BE-1-15-7705)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Muhammad Duraid



This robot is a command-and-control machine. The robot is being controlled using wireless technology of RC transmission and Bluetooth module at the user’s end in form of android application, joypad and surveillance. Metal detector is used to detect mines, and gives indication transmitted data to station with the technique of resonance frequency oscillator. This will help in guiding the safest path for the robot. The control of robotic arm is achieved by an android application using Bluetooth module and Arduino. The controller is to control servo motors. These servo motors are employed to control the motion of the body which includes shoulder, elbow, wrist and a gripper Robotic arm is the transporter used to dispose the bomb at a safe location. Low 640×380 resolution camera is used for the surveillance purpose it allows access on remote viewing live video feeds to the user to monitor the robotic arm and vehicle’s movement using IP based software.

Metal Detection and Bomb Disposal Robotic Vehicle’s actual purpose is to provide a line of defense to the bomb disposal squad in highly sensitive situations. Uniqueness of this robot is that it’s cost effective and furthermore, our aim is to make it further advance to fully automated system that is the current state of the art requirements. The whole exploded is parted into segments and clarified further.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2015




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Ahmed Anzar Khan (BE-1-15-7614) Wajid Ali (BE-1-15-7692)

Wassay Waseem (BE-1-15-7704)


Project Advisor:

Assistant Professor: Dr. Adil Loya



Historically thermal camera was first use just only for military or army applications. But now a days the prices of thermal camera are decreasing down as compared to previous ones, like in past thermo-cameras were very expensive as well as they have low resolution and pixels but now a days the prices are decreasing as well as the pixel and resolution also improves. Now that is the reason why thermo-cameras are using commercially now a days. Now if we compare thermo-cameras to normal visual cameras the biggest advantage we get while using thermo-cameras is that we can see in pitch black darkness as well extreme smoky or foggy atmosphere.

Now in this report we talk about the auto aiming through thermo-camera for surveillance. Now tracking and aiming in visual cameras are not similar to that of thermo-cameras. In this report we will see how to identify a human through his thermal imagery and also track that person in the field of view of the sensor for surveillance to increase the accuracy of our security surveillance. Creating a system that is wholly automated and can detect occupants


with a high level of accuracy is important, we implemented the algorithms in which include detection of person in a user defined area or above/below a specified line and upon the person the detection an alarm can be triggered for security. The best part about our AAS system is that it is sensing the thermal radiations that emits from the bodies or object and as we all know that everything that has temperature greater than absolute zero i.e. -273k emits thermal radiations that means no can resist to emit thermal radiations and by this mean almost everything is traceable by thermal cameras.

There are a lot of application of our AAS system especially in military bases for surveillance as there are places in military bases where the intrusion of anyone is not allowed, or this can also be implement on our LOCS for surveillance where hundreds of our soldiers patrolling day and night to resist any kind of intrusions from borders this project is a great relieve to them as they don’t needs to patrol and whole surveillance can be done by this system and whenever any human intrusion was detected it generates an alarm and track that intrusion.

This project covers control theory, electronics, system design, testing and measurements. Through this project we came to know how to implement our knowledge and we have learnt new skills.





Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2017




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Ibtihaj Iftikhar (BE-1-16-8088) Nabeel Ahmed Shah (BE-1-17-8824)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Muhammad Taha



These projects present the design and implementation of an experiment study of a two axis Azimuth and Altitude angle automatic control solar tracker system to measures the solar radiations in an inexpensive way of a tracking the solar PV panel through (LDR) accordingto the intensity of the beam. The designed tracker system consists of four sensor LDR, two motor drivers and a micro controller (Arduino UNO) which control two high torque stepper motors with control software designed for this purpose to move the system panel accordingto the information from the input sensor keeping the panel always perpendicular to sun ray.The main purpose of these project to control a system which will cause better working of the PVarray with sun light of the solar power output. The proposed systemchanges in its direction in two axes to track the coordinates of sunlight detect the differenceb/w the position of sun light beam and solar panel. Hardware testing of the system is done to check the system ability to tracks and follow the sunlight in an efficient way in a Dual axis solar tracker system, superior as compared to single axis sun tracking panel system is also present in this report.


The generate power of the solar is directly relate solar radiations in panel. However,the system is capable of track the solar tracker movement improve the power of solar tracker in generated the maximum power. These projects are shown to working and controlling and study of the construction of a sun tracking in dual axis mechanism to followthe movement of the sun during the whole day increases the power generated by the solarpanel. The aim is to develop and build an efficient and low-cost structure that increase the performance to a contain maximum power from the solar panel in both the axis and use maximum sunlight as compared to single axis solar tracker.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2017




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Maria (BE-1-17-8634) Ather Ali (BE-1-17-8729)

Syed Hassaan Masood (BE-1-17-8872)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Muhammad Ashar Qureshi



A broad variety of material cutting, and engraving machines are available in the market but when we examine them, they all have material losses and very few of them are portable. These machines do not have any safety system. Here is the solution to these problems. This report presents innovative research on the construction and operation of Laser engraving of PCBs. The description of all major components, software, operation, and design study is provided in the respective chapters. The problems we faced throughout the project are also mentioned in detail.

The parameters examined include Laser power module, Linear moving mechanism, and engraving intensity. The main module used is a laser with a maximum power of 2.5kW. The results show that as the moving mechanism (Vertical / horizontal) runs according to the provided pattern of G-codes, the laser starts to engrave the PCB board. Laser cutting is employed for cutting sheet metals of any material and thickness. Nowadays, Laser CNC machines are very common, and this technology is now applicable in almost every manufacturing industry but it’s the most important feature which grabs our attention is rapid engraving to produced PCBs according to our requirement. PCB Laser Printer technologyis very costly in Pakistan because most of the printers are foreign made, but we are willingto provide a low-cost solution to this problem by design and assemble PCB Laser Printers in Pakistan as much as possible and improve its efficiency.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2017




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Jamshaid Ali (BE-1-17-8654) Mujtaba Ahmed (BE-1-17-8669)

Kamran Ali Qurban Ali (BE-1-17-8782)


Project Advisor:

HoD Mechatronics & Professor: Dr. Muhammad Bilal Kadri



The Multi-Purpose Gesture Control Robotic Arm is a system designed to incorporate the knowledge of Mechatronics engineering. The robotic arm movement is controlled by gesture motion at transmitting side, the gesture movement at user end over wireless technology sends data to receiver to provide actuation in motors. The robotic arm has a gripper which has the functionality of lifting light weighted objects. The movement of robotis possible by the mobility feature in which using RC control remote you can control the direction and movement of robot. The system at transmitting and receiving side is controlled by a micro controller that manipulates the data and control the movement of servos and wheel accordingly. The low pixel webcam is used for viewing live videos feedsto the user to monitor the movement of arm as well of the robot body.

The purpose of indulging Mobility and Surveillance in gesture robotic arm is to make it capable of moving in an environment and to make a secure step while performingdifferent tasks. The robot itself is a prototype and has the capacity to be refurnished furtherinto reality.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2017




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Osama Shaikh (BE-1-17-8665) Saqib Mumtaz (BE-1-17-8702) Muhammad Sarim (BE-1-17-8899)


Project Advisor:

Lecturer: Engr. Muhammad Duraid



Use of CNC milling machine has been in existence for over twenty years, but it is yet to reach its full potential in the construction industry. CNC milling is a technique which utilizes cutter tool, projected at high velocities to cut, and make a wide range of materials. This includes non-conventional machining such as Manual Milling where the components


are cut through abrasive impingement by means of abrasives accelerated tool controlled by lever and this lever is attached with a milling machine, this machine considers theinteraction between the control system and the mechanics of the machine (including structural flexibility). An optimization study is conducted aiming by making of different shapes and improving the existing design and cuts at maintained manufacturing accuracies and speed. This result is a mixture of continuous and discrete variables and an optimization approach using different methodologies.





Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Mohsin (BE-1-18-9298) Muhammad Saqib (BE-1-18-9418)



This report describes how to develop an automatic wall painting robot. A robot painting the interior walls of a building. There is a very High demand for painters and is currently in demand and is expected in both developed and developing countries soon. As we know, paint is a chemical. Very harmful to humans, so to get rid of it, we made a robot capable of spray painting a paint sprayer using a cascading lifting mechanism. This cascading lifting mechanism helps the paint sprayer reach the desired height. To meet this demand, A Mecanum wheel with DC motor attached to the robot base helps the robot to move easilyin 6 directions with 2 degrees of freedom. The robot uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect the distance, adjust it to the wall, and check if the spray has reached the top of the wall. The main controller controls the ultrasonic sensors, machine wheels and all other parts of the robot. The whole system is powered by DC power. This report presents a detailed computer-aided design (CAD) model of a full-featured robot for wall painting for interior decoration. The presented design has several advancements in terms of overall robot weight and paint speed compared to the existing literature. Detailed parameters of the dynamic model are provided for further improvement in terms of robot motion control.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Usama Afzal (BE-1-18-9119) Jahangir (BE-1-18-9226) Wajahat (BE-1-18-9278)



This type of additive manufacturing gets its influence from the two already established printers; FDM and SLA, making it a hybrid printer. It reduces the disadvantages of the two printers and gives an innovative solution to a broader domain of multi-material and smart materials manufacturing. It uses a printer structure and extrusion system as integrated in FDM printer and the curing system of an SLA printer. The photopolymer is mixed with fumed silica to increase its viscosity so that it does not flow away from the place of curing. The photopolymer mixture is made to give the best characteristics with respect to the print


speed, mechanical properties, and surface finish and gives a reasonable time to cure before flowing out from its place. Peristaltic pumps were selected as the positive displacement pumps for the extrusion of photopolymer from the storage reservoir to the print head. Two peristaltic pumps were used to function simultaneously to make the flow continuous. For the curing part, two UV lasers were mounted on an acrylic sheet mount and were placed with an extrusion head for initial curing. UV lasers were backed with some UV LEDs and UV Torch for further curing. The lasers were mounted as such to meet at a single point where the photopolymer was meant to be solidified.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Mussawer Ali (BE-1-18-9333) Muhammad Fahad (BE-1-18-9400)



For our designated customers in military who requires a vehicle which could deliver medical supplies and other utilities to a remote area where road access is not possible, on lowest power consumption and should not get noticed by civilians and intelligence services of abroad countries. Our product, virtually guided RC plane, will fulfill their requirement as it will be shorter in size and uses an electric engine which is cheaper than engine which runs on kerosene unlike other models available in market like Boeing 737, C130 and PD-

  1. These aircrafts have bigger airframes which are not suitable for this purpose and consume kerosene which is expensive than an electric power backs up based system. It also will not be needing any human interference once the waypoints are set by the user and the supplies are loaded. It will deliver supplies and flies back to its ground station. Simulation mode of this aircraft will also be designed to predict the total time to deliver supplies and as well as to determine whether the targeted waypoint is in the range. The development of this aircraft will highlight the need for modular low degree of exactness aircraft simulation frameworks at the conceptual design stage that can predict the flight dynamics and flight loads.

Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Syed Zain-Ul-Abdeen (BE-1-18-9002) Muhammad Osama Rauf (BE-1-18-9099) Muhammad Haris (BE-1-18-9484)



Self-controlled floor cleaner is a compact robot system which provides floor, rooms and big office cleaning service reducing human labor.

It basically eliminates human effort and provides cleaning much efficient. In the making of this project, we face lots of problems we come across lot of things that we do not know about while we are doing our graduation. Not only we did we find difficulty to get sorted out or kind of come up with the solution of problem that we may have faced butwe actually have an idea of the problem and how to diagnose or identify the problem which is completely hell of the task for the simple reason for any circuit to get troubles hooted and to find out what is this that create problems it is not going to be easy task for any student. So, the learning experience is such which you cannot have found alternative for the simple reason the whole process of making of a project and dealing with every problem own by own that will give the student that impetus for the reason he or she came to the university. The objective of the university that finesse or subtlety or expertise to be able to stand to stand on its feet and have all requirement that any industry may be looking for and that objective it is serving and project like these adds that finesse or skill set more evidentlyinto the students.


Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Zargham Nadeem Khan (BE-1-17-8632) Ali Asghar Aqeel (BE-1-17-8781)

Muhammad Qasim Alias Abuzar (BE-1-17-8885)



As of late, innovation is expanded in quick development, the utilization and execution of CNC framework in ventures and universities is yet at such more noteworthy expense. As indicated by our thought on creation of minimized and modest expense, CNC Etcher is acquainted with diminish multifaceted nature, cost, and labor. This work talks about the plan and execution of two-dimensional laser etcher which can imprint 2D and dimmed scaled pictures or pictures with assistance of high watt consuming laser module on wood surface. Two stepper motors have been utilized as linear actuators on x-axis and y-axis. The machine has been built inside a small structure. The whole structure has been built from aluminum and wood. The actuators have been made with timing belt and we know NEMA STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER drives drive stepper motors. They drive and control the stepper motor’s operations. They give high current on the stepper motor’s coils and control the stepper by directly providing supply voltage to the stepper motors’ coils. The high watt Ultraviolet Laser diode has been utilized to imprint objects having extreme consuming power. The system has used Atmel ATMega328p Microcontroller with Arduino. Arduino acquires the G-Code from the sender utility tool running on PC and G- code interpreter over the serial port and sends the actuation commands to the stepper motor controller. Arduino microcontroller loads the G-code parser program.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Noman Nadeem (BE-1-17-8758) Ahsan Khan (BE-1-17-8818)

Ashar Abdul Rehman (BE-1-18-9230)



A Huge variety of wheelchairs are available in the market manufactured by different companies all over the world. But if we talk about the Stair Climbing Wheelchair, some countries like Italy, UK, Japan, France, and many others have appeared as a manufacturer. It is unfortunate to say that the name of Pakistan is not present in all these countries. These manufacturers provide many facilities for these wheelchairs’ users. These stair climbing wheelchairs allow the patients and disabled individuals to climb the stairs with ease and comfort. It makes the patients independent because this technology eliminates the human effort, no human assistance is required to move this wheelchair from one place to another. The patient himself can be reached anywhere and even climb stairs by using the mounted remote.

This report presents research and detailed manufacturing process, construction, and operation of Stair Climbing Wheelchair. The complete detail of all components, software, operation, and design study has given in the respective chapters. The difficulties we faced during the design and implementation have been mentioned in detail. The parameters examined include a Linear moving mechanism managed by a designed control system. The motion of a wheelchair consists of two sections: X-Y plane Motion and Z-axis motion. This wheelchair has dual-mode, Manual Mode, and Self Mode which is selecting by mode switch. Nowadays, this technology is the need of every patient who is dependent on someone to take them where they want to go. The important point which grabs our attention is manufacturing Stair Climbing Wheelchair in Pakistan so that our country Pakistan can also join these countries that manufacture these wheelchairs. This technology is very costly in Pakistan because the wheelchairs are foreign made, but we are willing to produce a low- cost solution to this problem by design and assemble Stair Climbing Wheelchairs in Pakistan as much as possible and enhance their performance.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D): Muhammad Zain Shaikh (BE-1-18-9164) Adam Ashraf (BE-1-18-9169) Muhammad Hazik Sadat (BE-1-18-9336)



The invention of the wheel goes back to pre-historic ages, and it helped lay the foundation of robotics and the automobile industry we now know. Though the wheels have their advantages, they appear to be ineffective on uneven and slippery surfaces. The Klann mechanism is used to mimic the movement of legged animals, and this would help us overcome environmental obstacles like rough terrain, which wheeled robots struggle to overcome.

As our final year project, we have built a Klann mechanism-based walking robot. The Klann linkage is a planar mechanism designed to simulate the movement of legged animals and function as a wheel replacement. It was developed by Joe Klann in 1994. The Klann mechanism is a 6-bar linkage with 1 degree of freedom (DOF) and 7 joints. The linkage consists of the frame, a crank, two grounded rockers, and two couplers all connected by pivot joints. Klann’s mechanism working is based on kinematics, movement of one link gives relative motion to other links, this helps convert rotary motion into linear motion.

Our main purpose is to overcome obstacles such as wet surfaces, muddy terrains, or dessert terrains, on which wheels face problems. To overcome these problems, we will implement the Klann mechanism to our advantage. Klann mechanism offers more advantages over wheels especially on rough terrains because of its less contact area and it works on six bar linkages which give mechanism’s legs spider-like movement which is ideal to move around large rocks, in muddy areas, and sand as well. Moreover, the camera on the robot will provide a better view of the surroundings. Klann Mechanisms have improved greatly in recent times. It is the same mechanism that people are using to replicate the movements of different animals. Klann Mechanism is a complex mechanism that totally depends on gears for power transmission.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Abdullah Tehseen (BE-1-18-9231) Ali Ahmed (BE-1-18-9248)

Muhammad Erhan Warsi (BE-1-18-9322)



Our purpose is to manipulate and configure our 3 DOF industrial robotic arm with ROS and move it packages to visualize the robot’s online and offline motion on RViz. Basically, with the help of interfacing, our software and hardware models both manipulate simultaneously. First, we have designed our 3D CAD model on Solidworks, which is our project’s baseline. Then afterward, we exported our model on URDF (Universal robot description format), an XML file that describes the model from base link to end-effector.

To visualize the 3D motion of our CAD model, we have used the Gazebo simulator and simulated our 3 DOF revolute joints movements with the help of a joint trajectory controller, which shows the limits of each joint defined previously in the URDF file. We


are using ROS (Robot Operating System) melodic 18.04 in which MoveIt packages provide OPML (Open Motion Planning Library), which provides different libraries, tools, and motion planning algorithms frameworks for the model. We use three servo motors in electrical components, one for each joint with rotary encoders, which help verify the approximate values of joint angles, Arduino mega, motor driver, and raspberry pi for interfacing electrical components with MoveIt from OPML. Aftermath, we design our trajectory so that our robotic arm translates or displaces objects from position A to position

  1. This is feasible in ROS to interface microcontrollers with the help of rosserial.


Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Usama Rafique (BE-1-17-8658)



A broad variety of Induction Three phase Motors and IOT Module are available in the market but when we examine them, they all have material losses and very few of them are portable. These machines do not have any safety system. Here is the solution to these problems. This report presents innovative research on the construction and operation of iot three phase monitoring system. The description of all major components, software, operation, and design study is provided in the respective chapters. The problems we faced throughout the project are also mentioned in detail.

The parameters examined include iot module, Voltage converting mechanism, andvoltage intensity. The main module used of iot operate at maximum power of 5v. The results show that as the operating mechanism (on / 0ff) runs according to the provided pattern of codes, the iot module starts to three phase induction motor. IOT Three phase Monitoring system is employed for any Three phase Induction Motor. Nowadays, Induction motors are very common, and this technology is now applicable in almost every manufacturing industry but it’s the most important feature which grabs our attention is rapid switching according to our requirement. IOT Three phase Monitoring system technology is very costly in Pakistan because the majority of the iot module are foreign made, but we are willing to provide a low-cost solution to this problem by design and assemble of iot three phase monitoring system in Pakistan as much as possible and improve its efficiency.The 3- phase controller can determine the 3 phases at input on your smart phones through an android application known as BLYNK. After Smart city, now its time for us to work on industries as industries are the ones which generates power that can be used for mechanical work. This generation of power requires a serious attention, the load at the output of power generation needs a proper power to operate, this whole system in industries needs to be monitored by people to prevent power losses and system failures. In Addition, A solution has been identified to prevent the system failures. We have designed a 3- phase controller that prevents the system failure by monitoring 3 phases on internet on your smart phones, this system is smart because it provides you an alarm whenever any of your phases gets down. With it, it makes your output low to avoid system failures.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Sufyan Yaseen (BE-1-18-8994)

Syed Hasnain Murtaza (BE-1-18-9205) Saif Azeem (BE-1-18-9081)



2 DOF (Degrees of Freedom) robotic arm is developed. An Arduino Nano microcontroller is used to control the robot by a set of potentiometers to send an input signal. The arm consists of 2 joints. Prismatic joint for its vertical movement. Revolute joint for its horizontal movement of the attaching joint.

The parts were designed on Solid Works and then fabricated using aluminum sheets, stainless steel sheets and rods. Arms are moved by 2 hybrid stepping motors called Nema 17 with a 1.8-degree step angle (200 steps/revolution) Which allows it to have a 3.2kg cm holding torque. The motor is run by the signal sent to the Arduino using the potentiometer. The purpose of doing this project is because most of the research papers and articles are about competition and industrial use and very few about educating people about the working mechanism, Forward kinematics, and inverse kinematics. This project is focused on how the hardware has errors and how they can be rectified using simulation on MATLAB or ROS. The mechanism that we are trying to simulate here is as of the SCARA robot. Since the world has advanced so much in the robotic field, we found the motivation to come up with an educational project for our juniors.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Muhammad Awais Saleem (BE-1-18-9093) Hafsa Siddiqui (BE-1-18-9096) Muhammad Tayyab (BE-1-18-9416)



Failures in EOD operations can result in a massacre, primarily if it is performed manually. Developing robots for such tasks saves the lives of EOD personnel and enhances the operation’s efficiency. This study describes a reliable approach for automating a manipulator arm for bomb retrieval operations. The SolidWorks-designed robotic arm is first loaded into the gazebo simulator to see if it is stable while performing the pick and place operations. The model is then imported into Ansys to estimate its maximum load- bearing capacity. Then the toque required at each joint to conduct load fetching tasks is determined using SolidWorks. MoveIt Motion planning framework, which gives a variety of IK solvers to work with, is used to perform inverse kinematics. This produces the joint orientation needed to move the end effector to a specific position and orientation. Finally,


the goal orientation of each joint is converted into an actuator’s command to move actual hardware using Rosserial and a custom hardware interface for a robot. The results obtained by this approach are incredibly accurate, and it removes the need for tedious joint maneuvering. It also demonstrates that this approach effectively performs pick and place operations in shorter periods, making it suitable for such applications.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D):

Fabeha Raheel (BE-1-18-9088) Muhammad Ibtesam Tahir (BE-1-18-9371)

Abdul Rehman Bin Mohsin Aljabri (BE-1-18-9429)



Drones, UAVs and particularly Quadcopters have become the talk-of-the-town specially among robotics engineers and researchers. With the increase in performance and miniaturization of sensors and electronics as well as advancements in computational abilities and intelligence, researchers are now developing complex algorithms to make drones capable of tackling various kinds of challenging tasks. Drones are inherently unstable systems which makes developing their control algorithms extremely difficult. However, a large amount of research has already been undertaken in this field that continues to this day.

We have designed a Customized, ROS-based Quadcopter for Autonomous Navigation in both GPS-permitted and GPS-denied or restricted environments. The report discusses the various steps undertaken during the design phase, hardware assembly and the subsequent software integration to enable our Quadcopter to achieve the Project objectives. Customization of the Quadcopter refers to the process of systematic selection of the different hardware components after careful calculations and considerations of our design objectives. We also used the ROS framework installed on an on-board, high-performance computer, Nvidia Jetson Nano, to implement our algorithms and obtain meaningful flight data.



Batch: BE-Mechatronics Spring-2018




Student’s Name (Student’s I.D): Muhammad Umar (BE-1-18-9358) Muhammad Khizar (BE-1-18-9393) Muhammad Habib (BE-1-18-9423)



This project focuses on the modeling, simulation, and manufacturing of a fixed-wing UAV. Simulation and reality are abstractly different things but can be made to relate with each other with the help of technology and rigorous research. This project includes three phases: the reverse engineering of a flying wing drone, then the simulation of the drone in two different simulation platforms, and finally, the manufacturing of the drone. This project also focuses on manufacturing the UAV at a very minimal cost.

The project faced numerous hurdles while in its different phases, which were handled very professionally; one of such engineering problems that were faced was load reduction and surface hardening, which was overcome with the help of using suitable roughing technique and by using hardening solutions, which not only made our drone weightless but also increase it structural integrity

This report perfectly describes the reverse engineering procedure of our model, and then about the simulation platform we used and how we used it to verify the correct functionality of our flying wing design and finally how we manufactured it and the methods we used for surface treatment of our flying wing drone. The project report also defines the electronics we used, such as the flight controllers, motors, batteries, etc. Our UAV can fly autonomously as well, but in this project, the drone is flown manually; that is, it’s controlled by a remote controller or the RC

Our project has a high potential for military and civilian usage as surveillance and attack drones. Its small size, good endurance, and low radar cross-section make it perfect for intelligence-based missions, as enemy radars will not easily detect it.

Furthermore, our project offers a complete understanding of modern tool usages such as using different simulation platform software and different manufacturing techniques. This project also covers control theory, electronics, system design, testing, and measurements. With the help of this project, we came to know how to implement our knowledge and develop new skills.

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